Updated Notice to Investors in AMRAM Corp Pty Ltd, Microfunding Pty Ltd and Taurus Equity Pty Ltd

Previously FD Legal asked investors in AMRAM Corp Pty Ltd, Microfunding Pty Ltd and Taurus Equity Pty Ltd to contact our office to discuss whether FD Legal can assist in claims for compensation.

Updated Notice to Investors in AMRAM Corp Pty Ltd, Microfunding Pty Ltd and Taurus Equity Pty Ltd

Previously FD Legal asked investors in AMRAM Corp Pty Ltd, Microfunding Pty Ltd and Taurus Equity Pty Ltd to contact our office to discuss whether FD Legal can assist in claims for compensation.

We have received calls from many investors who have raised concerns in respect of additional companies and advice received from certain financial advisors.  These other companies include:

  • Apex Financial Planning
  • Echelon Financial
  • Gillett & Associates
  • Jamal Holdings
  • Omni Developments
  • Zero Risk Pty Ltd

If you were advised to invest in AMRAM Corp Pty Ltd, Microfunding Pty Ltd, Taurus Equity Pty Ltd, Jamal Holdings, Omni Developments and/or Zero Risk Pty Ltd by financial advisors from Apex Financial Planning, Echelon Financial and/or Gillett & Associates we ask that you contact of our firm to discuss your circumstances and consider any rights to recover compensation on 1300 433 533 or enquiry@fdlegal.com.au

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Level 2, 167 Eagle Street
Brisbane Qld 4000